If you have Medicare and full Medicaid coverage, most of your health care costs are likely covered.
Medicare and Medicaid are governmental programs that offer medical and health-related services to particular groups of people in the United States. Both the programs come under the management of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Insurance Pro is an Access Center.
To learn more about getting Medicare and Medicaid in Kissimmee, Florida, please call Insurance Pro at 407.847.7000.
Medicare pays first, and Medicaid pays second.
Medicaid never pays first for services covered by Medicare. It only pays after Medicare, employer group health plans, and/or Medicare Supplement (Medigap) Insurance have paid.

Advantages of Medicare:
- Low Monthly Premiums
- Increased Flexibility
- Increased Eligibility
What is Medicare Advantage?
Medicare Advantage Plans or Medicare+ Choice is basically the additional Part C of the Original Medicare plan. It allows you to design a custom plan for yourself. You can modify it as per your medical needs. Medicare Advantage entails all the offerings of Part A and Part B of the original plan alongside additional health services such as dental, vision, and hearing. Please call Insurance Pro at 407.847.7000 to learn more details about this.
Advantages of Medicare:
- Additional Coverage
- Convenient Payment
- All-in-one Plan
Medicare-Medicaid Plans
Contact us if you have questions about how to find out if a Medicare-Medicaid Plan is available in your area.