September Is Life Insurance Awareness Month #HelpProtectOurFamilies
If there is one thing we’ve learned through the pandemic, it’s that life is unpredictable and it’s important to prepare for the unexpected. Our hope at Insurance Pro is that this awareness will encourage more Americans to get the life insurance coverage they need to protect their loved ones in the event of an unexpected loss, an accident or a terminal illness.
Every September, the industry — led by Life Happens — comes together to sponsor and support Life Insurance Awareness Month. The “Help Protect Our Families” campaign is designed to educate consumers about the importance of life insurance and the role it plays in protecting families’ financial security.
Recent LIMRA research shows that 36% of Americans plan to purchase life insurance this year. When it comes Millennials, 48% say they plan to buy coverage,”said David Levenson, President and CEO, LIMRA
Insurance Pro is proud to support Life Insurance Awareness Month (LIAM)
The Life Insurance Awareness Month marks a great opportunity for practicing risk management. In this context, a life insurance policy enables us to shift risk of financial loss from adverse events to an insurance company in order to protect our family’s assets and lifestyle.
Life Insurance Awareness Month is a campaign dedicated to educating more people on what life insurance is and why it’s important for long-term financial security. #LIAM21 #HelpProtectOurFamilies #GetLifeInsurance
— LIMRA (@LIMRA) September 14, 2021
Total U.S. Life Insurance Premium Increased 21% in the Second Quarter 2021
This represents the largest year-over-year increase since third quarter 1987. For the first half of 2021, total premium increased 18%, compared with the first six months of 2020.
Last year, because of the shutdown, most people were unable to meet with their insurance agents in person. However, COVID-19 has raised consumers’ awareness about the importance of having life insurance coverage, so a lot of insurance policies were done by phone, email and Zoom,” shared Insurance Pro President JC Doitteau.
How Much Life Insurance to Buy?
Please use this life insurance calculator to find out how much life insurance you may need.
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